User hampsterluver200:



Hamptrland, USA

Last Login:6/1/2023

Mood: Angry

View my: drawings

One thing about me is that i'm a collector of cute things. I love stickers, stationary, phone charms and plushies. I think I have too many.. maybe Im a hoarder... who cares!!! Ive always been this way and i cant help it. When i was younger I really liked collecting squishies and stickers. I went through a phase where I thought I was done with collecting cute things but I was so wrong. I donated my domo hat and gloomy bear stuff and i dont think i regret anything more in my life to be honest... My favorite characters right now are probably rilakkuma, gloomy bear, hamtaro and mashimaro. My favorite food is salmon poke or anything with salmon in it!!! My favorite drink is either a caramel macchiato, matcha or maybe milk tea with pudding..

i'm in community college almost about to graduate, and i plan on becoming a nurse. im going to be applying to nursing schools soon, and im so nervous... im very excited for summer to come, and to take a break for school for the first time in a bit. Ive been taking classes nonstop for the past two years!!! it hasnt been too bad though because I havent been working much, so thankfully ive been able to focus on school alone. I used to work a lot more and it sucks to feel broke!! I also hate doing boring things when i know i could be having fun!!! but the only reason why im in school so i can get a good job so i can support myself, travel the world, and then spend all of my money on clothes. when i first envisioned myself as a nurse i didnt really see myself working in a hospital, but in an aesthetics clinic (working with botox, laser hair removal, etc.) But recently, i think it might be worth it so i can pay off my debt quicker LOL!!! ive struggled alot with figuring myself out these past two years, but im proud of myself for (partially) sorting my future out. I kinda struggled with the idea of being in school, but the more i think about it, its worth it to me. I just kinda want to get to the career part already!!! School is boooooring but its ok, itll be over soon (-.-)z Z z

( ˘ ɜ˘) ♬♪♫